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Project Name: Energy Audit and Cogeneration in Petrobras Bolivia.

Brief description: During the month of September 2014, the oil & gas company Petrobras Bolivia requested Creara’s services to carry out an energy audit of its facilities and a study of the potential for cogeneration development.

The facilities where the project was carried out were the gas upstream plants of San Alberto, Sábalo and Itaú. The aim of the project was to analyse energy inefficiencies in the extraction and pumping systems, as well as in the generation of heat for the thermal oil heating involved in the process.

The installations had a total installed electrical capacity of more than 10,000 MW, and a team of technicians specialized in large industrial installations had to travel to the site. In addition, experts in gas upstream participated in the project team.

  • Measures implemented: It was proposed to install 2 cogenerations with a power of 2.7 MW each, carrying out the relevant studies for their implementation.
  • It was also proposed to carry out measures for a total of 1.3 and 0.9 million dollars, ranging from the optimization of some engines, the recovery of waste heat in some processes or the improvement in transversal processes of production.

Results achieved: The results were included in the implementation plan for energy efficiency measures that the company was carrying out. The cogeneration was carried out satisfactorily.


  • Energy savings: 35%


  • Economic savings: 2.1 and 1.5 million USD /year